本片(剧)是一部英国制片作品的剧情片电影,于2021年上映,Ben Kellett 导演,纳尔夫·李特 约瑟芬·约伯特 Tahj Miles 唐·沃灵顿 伊丽莎白·布尔吉娜 丹尼·约翰-儒勒 马修·贝恩顿 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 斯坦利·汤森德 乔斯林·杰·艾森 安东尼·凯尔夫 泰莎·波纳姆·琼斯 伊丽莎白.谭 Tariq Jordan 等领衔主演。对白语言为英语,全片(剧)时长90分钟,目前豆瓣评分0.0。



It’s Christmas time on Saint Marie and Neville is preparing to head to Manchester to spend the holiday with his family. But his plans are abruptly changed when a billionaire shipping magnate dies in mysterious circumstances.   Things only get stranger when a minicab driver in London receives a Christmas card with an ominous message inside that turns the entire case on its head. F...

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